Hi there 👋
.: Welcome to 🐋 Hajitsu 🥷 Land :.
Why Hajitsu? The philosophy of Hajitsu is:
- Ha Comes from Hamid
- JIT Combination of Java, JavaScript and JustInTime Compiler of Java
- SU Comes from Super User
Code Profile
const HamidMohammadi = {
pronouns: 'He' | 'Him',
code: ['Java', 'JavaScript'],
askMeAbout: ['Software Architecture', 'BackEnd Development'],
technologies: {
backEnd: {
Java: ['Servlet', 'Spring Boot'],
js: ['Node.JS', 'Express']
frontEnd: ['HTML', 'CSS', 'BootStrap', 'React.JS'],
mobile: {
android: 'Java',
iOS: 'Swift'
devOps: ['Docker🐳', 'Nginx'],
databases: ['MongoDB', 'Oracle', 'SQLServer', 'MySQL', 'SQLite', 'influxDB'],
misc: ['C', 'Python']
architecture: ['Serverless Architecture', 'Micro Service Architecture'],
currentFocus: 'Node.js Development',
reachMeAt: {
gmail: 'hamid.mohammadi.ir@gmail.com',
linkedin: '@mohammadi-hamid',
twitter: '@hajitsu1110110'
funFact: [
'I ❤️ docker cause I ❤️ 🐋',
'Use \' instead of "'